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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) 

Below are some of the frequently asked questions families ask throughout the school year and the answers to those questions. Please read through them-a question you have may be answered below!


How do I contact the teacher?

You may contact me through these ways:

  • Send an Email (preferred contact method)

  • Texting through the "Remind" phone app (can be limited sometimes due to cell coverage at school)

  • Calling the school and leaving a voicemail on my classroom phone (941) 924-4242

  • Writing a note and placing it in your child's folder for me



What time does school start?

Students may arrive as early as 8:00am. They are dismissed to their classrooms at 8:20am. The students need to be ready and inside their classroom by 8:30am. Any student arriving after 8:30am is tardy and must be signed-in at the front desk before coming to class. He/she will be given a tardy slip which he/she must bring into the classroom with him/her. If your child is tardy, please remind him/her to unpack quickly and enter quietly into our classroom to quickly join us. Since class will already be underway at that time, please refrain from speaking with me regarding why your child is tardy. You may email me later on if you need to tell me why.

What if my child is sick?

Life happens and children get sick unfortunately! If your child is sick, please keep him/her at home until they show no signs of fever and/or vomiting for at least 24 hours. Please call the school to let them know your child is home sick. You may also send me an email to let me know your child is sick. Even if you must give your child Tylenol or Motrin to help them feel better to get to school, they need to stay home. Those medications wear off during the school day. Sending in a sick child not only affects the other children in the class, but the teacher as well. We want everyone to feel happy and healthy while at school! You may send in any doctor's excuse notes once your child returns to school.


How many volunteer hours are needed and how do I volunteer?

20 volunteer hours are required to be completed for each FAMILY during the school year. The 20 hours are per family and not per child at the school. 10 of the volunteer hours are recommended to be completed before Winter Break begins in December. Every registered adult volunteering counts towards the family's total (aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, etc.). In order for the volunteer time to count, every volunteer must be registered in the computer's volunteer system located at the front desk prior to volunteering. Once approved through the system, the volunteer needs to sign-in AND sign-out every time he/she volunteers at school and wear their provided sticker ID badge while at school. The time does not count until it is logged in the computer system. Unfortunately only the volunteering adults can enter in their time. Any questions or concerns regarding volunteer hours and totals can be answered from the office.


What counts towards volunteers hours?

Any time spent at a school event or helping at school counts towards your volunteer hours. Some possible volunteer opportunities throughout the school year are : Back-To-School Night, helping with in-class events/celebrations, helping the teacher prepare items, eating lunch with your child, attending field trips (very limited opportunities), Fall Festival, Open House Night, Jog-A-Thon, helping in the library and lunchroom (always available), helping the office staff (if available). Completing volunteer hours show your child how important school is to your family and helps bridge the connection between school and home.

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